Speaking about manifesto's, this is Young Jean Lee's:
Artistic Statement
When starting a play, I ask myself, "What's the last show in the
world I would ever want to make?" Then I force myself to make it. I do
this because going out of my comfort zone compels me to challenge my
assumptions and find value in unexpected places. I write my shows as I’m
directing them, working collaboratively with my performers and artistic
team and getting feedback from workshop audiences. Our goal is to find
ways to get past our audiences’ defenses against uncomfortable subjects
and open people up to confronting difficult questions by keeping them
disoriented and laughing. My work is about struggling to achieve
something in the face of failure and incompetence and not-knowing. The
discomfort and discovery involved in watching this struggle reflects the
truth of my experience.
-Young Jean Lee
This woman is a boss.
Check her out at http://www.youngjeanlee.org/content/home