Thursday, 24 May 2012

These are a few of my favourite things

Baz Luhrman always created these amazing, opulent, almost drug-induced, heightened fantasy worlds of famous eras. He did it with La Belle Epoque in Moulin Rouge and he's doing it again the Les Annees Folles (aka The Roaring Twenties) in his adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. 
On top of that, he has cast my doppelganger Carey Mulligan as Daisy. I am beyond excited to see this film. Oh, and Leo,of course, who doesn't love a little Leo?

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

My classmates are putting on a little play

One of this year's senior productions Tennessee Williams' seminal A Streetcar Named Desire. It is directed by Luke Ellenbogen and it stars my amazing friends and classmates in both major and character roles. 
Very excited to see!!!!!
Review to follow shortly.